Agreements with Institutions from Timisoara

On Thursday 26 October 2017 the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica signed two agreements on academic and scientific cooperation: with the Faculty of Philology, History and Theology, West University in Timisoara (Romania), as well as with the Center for Scientific Research and Culture of Serbs in Romania also from Timisoara. The agreements were signed at…

Cooperation with Faculty of Education and Humanities, Suleyman Demirel University, Kazakhstan

The Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica and the Faculty of Education and Humanities, Suleyman Demirel University in Almaty (Kazakhstan) signed the Agreementcon academic and scientific cooperation on Tuesday 24 October 2017. The agreement was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica, prof. dr Mirjana Lončar-Vujnović, and by Vice-dean Adilzhan Ilyasuly…

Faculty of Philosophy at 62nd Belgrade Book Fair

This year’s Belgrade Book Fair will feature many representatives of the University of Priština with temporary head office in Kosovska Mitrovica. The Faculty of Philosophy will also present its academic and scientific work through panels, book promotions, and presentations at the stand of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. In addition, our Faculty organizes three…

Prof. Rohrbach in K. Mitrovica

Prof. dr Wolfgang Rohrbach, member of the European Scientific and Art Academy of Salzburg, visited the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy on 18 October 2017.

This occasion was a wonderful opportunity for the PhD students from the Department of History to meet and talk with prof. Rohrbach.

20th Anniversary of the Department of Psychology

This year the Department of Psychology at our Faculty marks its 20th anniversary. The celebration took place during the International Conference Science Beyond Boundaries, September 21-22, 2017. To commemorate such an important milestone, the organizers presented a short film documenting the history and academic achievements of the Department. In the award ceremony, the prominent professors…

Faculty’s Journal Indexed in DOAJ

The Faculty’s academic journal Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy (Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini) is now indexed in DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals. The journal’s page can be seen here. The statistics show more than 900,000 page views and 300,000 unique visitors a month to DOAJ from all over the world.…

Science Beyond Boundaries

The Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica organized and hosted an interdisciplinary academic conference entitled Science Beyond Boundaries on 21 and 22 September 2017. Over 260 authors from Serbia, Greece, UK, USA, Russia, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia (FYROM), Turkey, Italy, Kazakhstan and Sweden submitted almost 200 papers that were presented in Serbian, English…

About A Century of Serbian Golgotha in Russia

The renowned Russian academic journal Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук, (т.18, № 6, 2016, pp. 236-237) published a review of A Century of Serbian Golgotha (1915-2015), a thematic collection of papers published by the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica. The review was written by professor Y. P. Anshakov from the Institute of…