Protocol on Cooperation

  On 20 May 2017, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica dr Mirjana Lončar-Vujnović and the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in East Sarajevo dr Draga Mastilović signed the Protocol on Cooperation. The protocol marks a step forward in cooperation between the two faculties, including the development of academic, professional,…

Russian Language Olympics

On 11 May 20217 our Department of Russian Language and Literature organized the Russian Language Olympics in cooperation with the Belgorod State Technological University “V. G. Shukhov.” The competition is conceived as part of the activities aimed at the development of the Russian language skills, better comprehension and use of the language, as well as…

Science Beyond Boundaries Conference

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_tabs interval=”0″ style=”tab-style-three”][vc_tab title=” ENGLISH Science Beyond Boundaries ” tab_id=”1488446519151-9″][vc_column_text] The Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica is organizing an interdisciplinary academic conference entitled Science Beyond Boundaries in a friendly and inspiring venue for academics and researchers to meet, present their research, discuss results, and network with a view of further collaboration. Dramatic changes…